Small black seeds from the Vaccaria plant are secured on the ear with a piece of latex-free adhesive tape over specific acupressure points. The seeds stimulate the point by exerting mild pressure.
Product includes:
- 120 ear seeds (Lasts approx. 4-6 weeks)
- Clearly illustrated graphic image detailing points believed to correspond to insomnia.
- Instructions for use
- Stainless steel tweezer
Vaccaria seeds may contain trace amounts of Natural Latex Rubber
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Ear acupressure "is an effective treatment of sleep apnea syndrome. it provides a facilitate, economic and safe therapy for early prevention and treatment to sleep apnea syndrome."
-Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2003 Oct;23(10):747-9. PMID: 14626187
Sleep better with our ear seed kit for insomnia!