Acupressure Points and Treatment

Acupressure Points and Treatment

While most of us are familiar with the concept of acupuncture, the term “acupressure” is often met with a little confusion. Is it simply a special type of acupuncture? Well, no – but they are closely related. Acupressure and acupuncture both have their roots in...

What is Auricular Acupuncture?

You may have heard friends or coworkers mention that auricular acupuncture helped them with a particular chronic or acute health condition. Auricular acupuncture? What’s that? If you’re wondering what auricular acupuncture is, here’s an overview so you know more about...

Does Ear Piercing Affect the Benefits of Auriculotherapy?

Do you suffer from migraines? Have you been wondering if the daith piercing as a form of treatment for migraines can impact the benefits of auriculotherapy? We always hear this question so here is our viewpoint on it. First, it is important to note that we are not...
How close do you have to be to the point?

How close do you have to be to the point?

Will it still work if you’re close by? This is a question we hear a lot – when placing an ear seed on the ear, how close do you have to get to the point? What if you “miss” the point completely? So the answer to that question is, the closer you...

Press this Point for Jet Lag!

Tova and I, with our kids, just got back to San Diego after visiting our families in New Jersey… and even though it’s only a 3 hour time change, it still has an affect on us. We were up late, tired during the day and just felt overall fatigued!...