by Support EarSeeds | | Auricular Diagnosis, Blog, How To, Pressure Points, Uncategorized
Tova Here! Hi! So. This is my morning routine: Get up, get the kids up, do the morning things, drive the kids to school, head to the EarSeeds office. But every day, almost without fail, I stop between school and work at my local coffee house. Sure, I like the coffee,...by Support EarSeeds | | Auricular Diagnosis, Blog, Uncategorized
This past weekend I did something I haven’t done in yeeeeeears. Let me tell you about it. One of the primary reasons me and Elie moved from New Jersey to San Diego in 2015 was because that was where Elie had gone to school for acupuncture. San Diego was a place that...FREE US SHIPPING FOR ORDERS $100+ Dismiss