Let’s talk about heartburn! Millions of people experience heartburn every single day. This is when you have a painful burning sensation in your chest or just behind your breastbone. This is caused by your stomach acid that backs up into your esophagus, the long...
As auriculotherapy continues to grow in popularity we thought we’d put together some interesting facts about auriculotherapy so you can share some interesting information at your next dinner party! 1- Many people know that the foot is a microsystem of the...
About 8 hours after having her first child, a seemingly healthy female named Brittany started experiencing pseudo-seizures. Why? No doctor knew. Even after she traveled the country, meeting with specialist after specialist, this new mom was left in the dark as to why...
A happy start of the new year to you and we hope your 2020 goals are still in place! The most common goal of 2020 is…? Yup! People want to lose weight! Not just for looks, but also general well-being, feeling good, staying healthy. Ear Seeds + Weight Loss is...
Dry mouth is a frequent side effect of medications. According to the FDA and the Surgeon General, there are at least 400 medications that cause this condition. It is also one of the main reasons patients do not take their medications as prescribed. As a result, these...