What are EarSeeds?
The basicsThe ear is a microsystem of the entire body.
Ear Seeds are a non-invasive, safe and effective tool used to stimulate nerve endings / pressure points in this microsystem.
Ear Seeds consist of tiny seeds, beads or pellets that stick to the surface of your ear with tape.
Once you know where they go, simply peel, place, and press.

Peel the seed from the strip, place it on an appropriate point, then press to secure. The constant pressure an ear seed exerts is amplified by gently pressing it down for a few seconds, multiple times per day.
The stimulation of these points is called

It’s about proper placement.
Ear Seeds work by providing continuous acupressure to specific ear points and can be worn for 2-5 days at a time.
Proper placement is the #1 key to effective ear seeding.
All our EarSeeds Condition charts and kits are designed to teach you specific points traditionally associated with common conditions. They are created by licensed acupuncturist and Auriculotherapy expert and teacher, Elie Goldschmidt, L.Ac.
Vaccaria Seed Ear Seeds
Perhaps the most traditional Ear Seeds, these are made with an actual seed from the flowering vaccaria plant. Each measures about 2mm in size and provides a nice, constant stream of stimulation to the ear point.
The classic tan tape EarSeeds are what you will find in our Vaccaria Condition-Specific Kits.
All Vaccaria ear seeds are made with latex-free fabric tape.

Stainless Steel Pellet Ear Seeds
Discreet and nearly invisible, our stainless steel pellet ear seeds are held in place with clear, latex-free medical grade tape.
The tiny pellets offer gentle pressure and when properly applied to clean, dry ears, can be expected to last between 2-5 days, even with showering and daily activity.
Available inside our newest assortment of condition-specific kits.

24K Gold Pellet Ear Seeds
As discreet as our Stainless Steel, but with an extra spark of luxury, our 24K gold ear seeds on latex-free, clear medical tape do an incredible job meeting all your ear seeding needs.
All of our Luxury EarSeeds and Limited Editions contain 24K gold EarSeeds as their base.
In Chinese medicine, gold is believed to inhabit the properties of a blood invigorator.

Swarovski® Crystal Embellished Ear Seeds
Set on a 24K Gold EarSeeds base, these ear seeds are hand embellished with dazzling Genuine Swarovski Crystals. Swarovski is world renowned for their high quality, high-shine faceted crystals.
Available in sparkling crystal clear or a variety of gorgeous colors.

Want some video guidance?
Meet Tova and take a tour of the ear, get familiar with some of our products, + get guidance finding an assortment of popular points.
We l♥️ve Auriculotherapy.
It’s incredible to look at someone’s ear and visually SEE imbalances elsewhere in the body.
It’s indescribably fun to watch someone experience the feeling of an Ear Seed being placed on an activated point and the reactions it elicits.
It’s second only to hearing from an EarSeeds practitioner who has achieved amazing results for their client or patient using Ear Seeds- whether they’re using it for PTSD, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Vertigo, Tinnitus or any of the many other things EarSeeds Certified Practitioners are using Ear Seeds for.
We’d love to teach you more about how Ear Seeds can help you.
You can find all our advanced training on our sister site:
Thrive Ear Seeds
This all-new education platform is where you’ll get access to a variety of short, deeply informative classes for everything from vertigo + dizziness relief to managing allergies, tinnitus, and more.
It’s also where you’ll find our acclaimed auriculotherapy training program: Ear Seeds Mastery Certification.
You can peruse our blog for more information and studies about Auriculotherapy.
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